Last Updated : 29 November 2024

Aktia’s ambition for 2025 is to be a responsible employer and offer meaningful work to its employees. Moreover, Aktia is managed responsibly and caringly, and the company culture supports the well-being of its personnel. Aktia’s aim is to have committed employees. 

We want our employees to feel that Aktia is a good workplace and that they are valued. Everything we do is driven by our values, which we defined together with our personnel – courageously, skilfully, together. Our values form the backbone of our corporate culture and function as a guiding light for our everyday activities.

Employee satisfaction directly correlates with customer satisfaction and, thereby, with the company’s financial performance. Aktia has worked systematically to improve employee satisfaction. Thanks to the low hierarchical structure and entrepreneurial working culture, the personnel have the opportunity to influence and develop Aktia. In comparison with many other companies in the banking sector, Aktia is relatively small, which enables rapid reactions and agility.

In Aktia we respect diversity, equality and equal opportunity. Aktia’s diversity policy covers both the employees and the Board of Directors. Diversity is an essential part of the organisation’s ability to function. We believe that the diversity of our employees creates competitive advantages both in the business and when competing for the best possible employees. Aktia’s diversity policy is based on Aktia’s values, the Code of Conduct and anti-discrimination work. 

We are aiming at promoting diversity and equality in our employee policy. The equal treatment of employees starts from recruitment: we strive to ensure diversity of our employees through our recruitment processes. We are committed to ensuring equal opportunities for all employees and to ensuring equal treatment in recruitment situations. 

Our daily working environment also supports cultural diversity. All employees have equal opportunities to advance in their career. Aktia is also a multilingual workplace. Aktia’s principle is to equally support multilingualism, minorities, or groups that are in a vulnerable position in the work community. For example, Aktia organises language courses for its employees and provides comprehensive well-being services for all employees. Aktia’s aim is to provide its employees with training and programmes to support future career development while considering the employees.

Aktia has continued its cooperation with Mehiläinen and the AktiaWellbeing concept. The concept is an advanced way of organising occupational healthcare. The activities within the concept have been digital due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The concept includes, in addition to basic health services, versatile services and coaching which employees can use to improve their own occupational health. Examples of these include coaching on nutrition, exercise and recovery, as well as individual digicoaching. We have also regularly arranged mutual Aktia Take a Break sessions to support remote working. Many Aktia employees use the digital wellbeing services. With the AktiaWellbeing programme, employees have also benefited from many tools that support occupational health. In Aktia, for example, a work ability radar has been used, which allows for early intervention in terms of possible health risks.

In addition, an important part of the well-being concept is the early support for working capacity that helps to improve the occupational health of Aktia employees and prolong their working careers. We introduced Siqni, a new employee survey tool to explore our employees’ motivation in more detail. The most meaningful work factors determined in the survey form an average index, revealing employees’ average level of work enthusiasm. 

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