Last Updated : 2 December 2024

Assurance of the suitability, competence and integrity of the decision-makers

The suitability and competence of the members of Aktia Bank Plc's Board of Directors, the Managing Director and the Managing Director's alternate as well as other executive management are verified in accordance with applicable regulations, both before appointment and thereafter on a regular basis. The procedure, which includes assurance of the suitability and reliability of the individuals involved and a number of investigations carried out by the bank, is designed to ensure that the members of the bank and insurance conglomerate's highest decision-making bodies continually satisfy the most rigorous requirements for integrity and impeccable management of their personal financial affairs.

The members of Aktia Bank Plc's Board of Directors are required to inform the Chairman of the Board of their involvement in the administration of any other companies, and the Chairman of the Board informs the Board of Directors of his involvement in the administration of any other companies. The Managing Director may join the administrative bodies of other companies only with express permission to do so. The company's rules of procedure include provisions on recusation that are more comprehensive than the regulations found in the legislation. The provisions on recusation forbid the processing of matters related to the subject himself and his close relatives or an organisation or foundation in which the subject wields influence.

In general, credit applications by members of the Board of Directors and the Managing Director are processed by Aktia Bank Plc's Board of Directors.

The suitability and competence of the management in controlled subsidiaries (Aktia Life Insurance Ltd and Aktia Fund Management Company Ltd) is assured in accordance with applicable regulations.

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