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The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is appointed by the Board of Directors, which also establishes the salary, pension benefits, notice terms and other terms of employment for the CEO. The CEO is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Aktia Group in accordance with instructions issued concerning administration of the Group's business issued by the Board of Directors.
The other members of the Group's Executive Committee responsible for business areas or with functional areas of responsibility are appointed by the CEO based on job descriptions, competence profiles and other terms established by the Board of Directors, and having consulted the Chair of the Board of Directors regarding persons in question.
The Executive Committee members are authorised to manage respective business areas and functional areas of responsibility. Certain matters related to lending and the handling of the Group's financing, liquidity and market risks as well as administration of office activities are dealt with by committees appointed by the Executive Committee from within its ranks.
The Executive Committee acts as a consultative body for the CEO.
As the CEO and other members of the Executive committee have full-time positions, and as sideline jobs and other positions of trust require the approval of the Board of Directors or the CEO, the time management of persons in operative management is sufficient for them to fulfill their tasks.