Materiality analysis updated

While updating Aktia’s sustainability programme, the materiality analysis was also updated. The update was based on a comprehensive stakeholder analysis conducted in 2020. The 2020 materiality analysis was complemented by a trend and peer analysis to determine topics that have impacts within the financial industry’s working environment. Utilising a questionnaire to employees and workshops to some targeted groups, Aktia’s ESG team determined the focus areas to be selected for the program.

Material topics

⦁    Customer satisfaction
⦁    Responsible investment
⦁    Responsible lending 
⦁    Comprehensive understanding on customer’s needs 
⦁    Good leadership
⦁    Employee experience
⦁    DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)
⦁    Transparency (in operations and reporting) 
⦁    Business ethics 
⦁    Information security
⦁    Climate strategy
⦁    Minimising own environmental impact

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