Aktia has published its updated principles for responsible investment
Responsibility has been incorporated as an integral part of all investment activities in Aktia Group. We think further and offer responsible building of wealth. The principles for responsible investment have been formulated as guidelines for responsible investment in wealth management.
Responsible investment has been part of Aktia’s wealth management for a long time. Aktia published its first principles for responsible investment in 2006 and the principles have been clarified over the years. Aktia's responsibility work is guided by the Group’s sustainability programme and climate strategy.
In the principles for responsible investment, we describe our responsible investment methods across asset classes. As part of our sustainability work, we have, for example, specified exclusion criteria for controversial weapons, fossil fuels and unconventional fossil fuels in the updated principles. The principles also describe how investment activities take into account the opportunities and risks related to responsibility and sustainability.
“By investing, we can bring about a change towards a more sustainable future. Consideration of responsibility factors is an integral part of investment decisions, but in order to achieve a more significant change, we also need means of active ownership and engagement and, increasingly, sustainable investment. We have invested in these, and we also want to offer sustainable investment opportunities across asset classes,” says Eeva Toivonen, ESG Manager working with wealth management at Aktia.
Read more about Aktia’s principles for responsible investment